Kairos Wellness Collective

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The Neurological Effects of Trauma, and how EMDR can help

Traumatic events can have a long lasting neurological effect, which may lead to anxiety and other psychological issues. While the brain's ability to cope with trauma is greatly influenced by the person's social support system, the right treatment can help people deal with their traumatic experiences in a healthy way.

Recent research on trauma and anxiety treatments has provided compelling evidence that MRI scans of the brain can be used to detect patterns affected by traumatic events.

Specifically, anxiety issues related to trauma appear to be associated with disturbances in various psychological functions. 

Consequently, it may be possible for anxiety-inducing experiences to lead to neural pathways which cause anxiety, even if the event has been forgotten. 

Anecdotal evidence supports this view as many people report feeling anxious without knowing the root cause of their anxiety. 

Trauma affects our lives in more ways than we can initially comprehend as trauma neural pathways reflect the trauma's lasting physical and psychological imprint. Trauma neural pathways lead to a wide range of emotional and physical effects, including changes in brain functioning and responses to various triggers. 

These trauma-related changes remain hidden beneath the surface until noticed during therapy or other trauma focused interventions. 

EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) is an increasingly popular form of therapy that has been used to help trauma survivors overcome their experiences and better cope with anxiety. 

EMDR sessions involve the patient’s recall of painful memories while following specific forms of eye movement, paired with audio stimulation such as tapping or tones. 

As the EMDR treatment progresses, those affected may find their trauma diminishing and the associated anxieties begin to fade away. EMDR is a powerful form of trauma treatment that can provide much needed relief for those struggling with traumatic events.

Trauma can take a toll on the brain and nervous system in many ways. Those who have experienced trauma often experience anxiety, depression, insomnia, and other symptoms that are difficult to control. 

It's important for individuals to seek out the proper treatment following a traumatic event in order to give their neurology the opportunity to heal. From talk therapy and medication to Traditional Chinese Medicine and holistic practices; many options exist that allow individuals to work through the trauma they have experienced. 

Trauma is something no one should go through alone, but with proper care and attention, it doesn't have to define who we are or dictate our future. Please don’t suffer alone. Reach out to schedule an appointment today. We would be honored to support you in your healing journey.