Kairos Wellness Collective

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What is IFS (Internal Family Systems) and how can it help Anxiety?

IFS (Internal Family Systems) is a burgeoning model for both therapy and self-understanding.  In the IFS model, the mind is seen as a pluralistic structure.  In this formulation, our psyche is made up of parts that take on specific roles based on the person’s needs.  An IFS therapist supports their client in befriending all parts of ourselves, even those aspects of our mind that provoke anxiety, or intense reactivity.  These subpersonalities can be clarified in three types:

  1. Exiles

    These parts of our persona are the injured self.  Usually these exiled parts are stunted at an early age when trauma occurred.  Our former child self felt unsafe.  The other two parts of the self (managers and firefighters) are trying to keep the exiled parts out of the consciousness.  

  2. Managers

    These are the proactive protectors that are hypervigilant to keep the exiles from potentially getting triggered.  The managers can be harsh, determined, and task-oriented.  Managerial parts can cause someone to be high functioning and successful despite intense emotional pain.  

  3. Firefighters

    The firefighters are the reactive protectors.  While the firefighters want the same things as the managers, they are only clicking into action when a painful memory has resurfaced or the emotions of the exiled parts break through.  The firefighters tend to be more destructive than the managers, and can lead to internal or external lashing out.  

When utilized in an anxiety treatment, the IFS understanding of the mind and self can help the client understand where their anxious behaviors are coming from.  We may take the time to thank the managerial or the firefighter parts for their efforts to keep us safe.  We may welcome the exiled parts back into our consciousness and allow them to express their truth.  For many of us, this leads to an unfolding of inner child work.  We become the soothing adult that our inner child needs to feel safe and calm.  

We become our own healers, not just our own managers and firefighters.  We become tolerant of all parts of ourselves.  The simplest insight into how our parts work together to try to maintain equilibrium can unlock tremendous emotional growth.  

To learn more and explore Anxiety Treatment, please contact Kairos Wellness Collective today.