Kairos Wellness Collective

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What is PANDAS/PANS and how does it relate to pediatric OCD?

PANDAS (Pediatric Autoimmune Neuropsychiatric Disorders Associated with Streptococcal Infections) is a subtype of pediatric OCD (obsessive-compulsive disorder) that is believed to have an abrupt onset following a streptococcal infection, usually Group A streptococcus (GAS). Here's some information regarding the onset of OCD in the context of PANDAS:

  1. Abrupt Onset: In PANDAS, the onset of OCD symptoms is typically abrupt and sudden, occurring within days to weeks after a streptococcal infection. This rapid onset distinguishes PANDAS from other forms of pediatric OCD, which may have a more gradual onset.

  2. Temporal Association with Infection: PANDAS is characterized by a close temporal association between the onset or exacerbation of OCD symptoms and a streptococcal infection. This infection could be a respiratory or throat infection, such as strep throat, or a skin infection caused by streptococcus bacteria.

  3. Symptom Fluctuations: Children with PANDAS may experience fluctuations in symptom severity. Symptoms may worsen during or shortly after an infection and improve during periods of remission or when the infection is effectively treated. The symptoms tend to be episodic, with periods of exacerbation and relative symptom-free periods.

  4. Other Neuropsychiatric Symptoms: In addition to OCD symptoms, PANDAS can also present with other neuropsychiatric symptoms, including tics (sudden, repetitive movements or sounds), hyperactivity, emotional lability (rapid mood swings), anxiety, and handwriting deterioration. These symptoms may be more severe and occur in clusters during PANDAS exacerbations.

It's important to note that not all cases of pediatric OCD are related to PANDAS, and the majority of pediatric OCD cases do not have an autoimmune or infectious trigger. PANDAS is considered a controversial diagnosis, and the precise mechanisms underlying its development and relationship to streptococcal infections are still being studied.

Diagnosing PANDAS requires careful evaluation and consideration of several factors, including the abrupt onset of symptoms following a streptococcal infection, symptom fluctuation, and the presence of other neuropsychiatric symptoms. Healthcare professionals experienced in pediatric OCD and PANDAS can help assess the individual's clinical presentation, medical history, and perform appropriate diagnostic evaluations.

If you suspect your child may have PANDAS or experience sudden-onset OCD symptoms after a streptococcal infection, it is important to consult with a pediatrician or a specialist who is knowledgeable about PANDAS for a comprehensive evaluation and appropriate management.

Treatment of OCD originating from PANDAS follows the same guidelines as other pediatric OCD treatment.  In addition to reaching out to a pediatrician, please contact Kairos Wellness Collective