Kairos Wellness Collective

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Why choose CBT for Anxiety?

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is widely known but rarely applied among mental health practitioners.  While evidence shows it is highly effective, it feels less pleasant than other, more soothing forms of therapy.  It can be hard work to engage in true CBT treatment.  So why would you choose it? 

  1. CBT is time-limited, specific therapy that does not set up a long-term reliance on therapeutic services.  

  2. CBT shifts attention away from triggers (ie. all the difficult stuff that happened in a week) and towards deeper belief systems that underlie anxiety.

  3. CBT helps normalize distress and fear as healthy human reactions, which do not need to be “fixed.”

  4. CBT can successfully modify common distortions that draw us away from logic.

  5. CBT shows us which of our behaviors are adaptive (healthy coping) versus maladaptive (unhealthy coping).  

  6. CBT reveals the client’s intrinsic strength and resiliency, and shows us that we already have all the internal resources needed to survive and thrive.  

Please contact Kairos Wellness Collective today to learn more about Cognitive Behavioral Therapy.