Kairos Wellness Collective

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Combatting the Thought-Action Fusion through CBT and ERP

Thought-Action fusion is an often-overlooked aspect of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder.  In this form of OCD, a sufferer believes that just because they think a thought, that it will come true.  This is a form of superstition – in other words, the distortion of magical thinking. The risk of a thought-action fusion is that it can cause a person a tremendous amount of mental anguish, and can inspire various unhealthy compulsions.

An example of a thought-action fusion would be a child who is afraid of vampires and calls them “Vs” because she believes saying the full word will make them appear.  Teens may take an online persona too literally, with the distortion that because they acted or presented in a certain way behind a screen that it will translate into real life.  

Others with OCD might be convinced that their thoughts of harm will somehow make that imagined harm become reality.  When an individual believes that they can create evil just by thinking it, then it becomes almost impossible to avoid a daily guilt cycle.  

For those whom morality is a prominent worry of their OCD, thought-action fusion might cause them to always be second-guessing their ethical purity because problematic thoughts are a natural aspect of human existence.  

The treatment for thought-action fusion is the same as all forms of OCD: Exposure Response Prevention and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy.  With ERP, we sit with the feared outcome and allow ourselves to lean into the distress.  We don’t allow ourselves to avoid or skip the feared thought– in fact we intentionally think it!  When we do so, and are able to observe the falsity of thought-action fusion, we work to rewire this distortion out of our brains.  

If you or someone you love is struggling with thought-action fusion or any other form of OCD, know that relief is in sight! Reach out to Kairos Wellness Collective today to find out more about our OCD treatment.