ASD Counseling


Do you or a loved one have Autism?

  • Are you looking for mental health support that is neurodiversity-celebratory?

  • Do you long to understand and connect better with your loved one who is diagnosed with Autism?

  • Do you wish to support social skill training for your child?

Autism, also known as Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), is a neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by diversity in social interaction, communication, and restricted and repetitive behavior patterns. Treatment approaches can vary based on the individual's age, needs, and the severity of their symptoms. Kairos Wellness Collective does not condone any ABA (Applied Behavioral Analysis) treatment, but rather offers neurodiversity-supportive interventions.

Beyond offering broader mental health support for people who are diagnosed with autism, Kairos provides the following services:

1. Individualized Education Plans (IEPs) Support:

Schools can develop IEPs tailored to each student's unique needs, incorporating specialized instruction, support services, and accommodations. At Kairos, we have several clinicians with experience in advocating for and developing helpful education plans for neurodiverse students.

2. Parent Training and Support:

At Kairos, we provide parents and caregivers with training and support that helps them better understand their child's needs and implement effective strategies at home for ASD support.

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3. Social Skills Training:

At Kairos, several of our clinicians are trained in Social skills therapy, also known as social skills training, a type of intervention designed to help individuals with autism develop and improve their social interaction abilities. Social Skills training for ASD is based on concrete goals, often focused on initiating conversations, maintaining eye contact, understanding nonverbal cues, taking turns in conversations, and more. Social skills therapy typically follows a structured curriculum that breaks down complex social skills into smaller, manageable steps. This approach allows individuals to learn one aspect of a skill before moving on to the next. Therapists and educators often model appropriate social behaviors and interactions for the individual. This helps the individual understand what the desired behavior looks like and provides a visual example to follow.   


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It's important to note that each individual with autism is unique, and what works best for one person may not work as effectively for another.

Early intervention, tailored treatment plans, and a holistic approach that addresses multiple areas of need tend to yield the best outcomes.

Family involvement and collaboration among therapists, educators, and medical professionals play a crucial role in supporting individuals with autism on their developmental journey.

What is group therapy for ASD?

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Group therapy sessions at Kairos are often utilized to provide opportunities for individuals to practice social skills with peers who are also working on similar goals.

Group settings mimic real-life social situations and offer a supportive environment for practicing interactions.

In ASD groups, individuals are taught to become more aware of their own behavior and social cues. They learn to monitor their interactions and adjust their behavior based on feedback and their own observations.

The goal of group therapy for ASD at Kairos Wellness Collective is to equip individuals with the tools they need to engage in social interactions more confidently and effectively, ultimately improving their overall quality of life and social integration.

Please contact Kairos Wellness Collective today if you are interested in our ASD groups or individual therapy sessions.


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Want to learn more about ASD Counseling?

If you would like to schedule an appointment or discuss your needs, you can call or text 720-310-0570, email, or send a message here. Feel free to reach out by text or phone whenever is convenient. We will get back to you shortly to discuss goals, pricing, and schedule.