Mindfulness Coaching
Do you wish to gain concrete skills that will support your mental health for years to come?
Have you longed to be present and enjoy your life, but don’t know how to de-program your current mentality?
Do you find yourself drawn to the concept of mindfulness but never successfully applying it?
So much of the time, our minds are on autopilot. We live in our minds as our bodies go through the motions, obsessing about that thing our partner said that upset us; planning our to-do list, dreaming about that raise or that vacation that’s going to make us happy; worrying about our upcoming meeting or our children’s behavior or
Mindfulness is the remedy to a mind on autopilot.
By choosing to be aware of the present moment, our attention is brought to our feet on the ground and the way they are rolled slight outwards; to the feel of the rain or the sun on our bare arms; to the way our jaw clenches and our stomach tenses when we feel angry; to the way our shoulders soften and our cheeks ache from a deep belly laugh.
What exactly is mindfulness?
The term mindfulness can be defined as bringing awareness to one’s inner landscape. This includes physical sensations, thoughts, emotions, and breath.
The practice of mindfulness can profoundly alter how we’re experiencing our bodies and minds and transform our moment-to-moment experience, even bringing a deep state of wellbeing and inner peace.
By bringing our attention to the sensations, thoughts, and emotions we are experiencing in the moment, our awareness turns to the present moment.
This present moment awareness calms the heart rate, slows down our thoughts, and can have tremendous benefits on the state of our mental well being.
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Why is the present moment so important?
When we are truly in the present – focusing on the breath and the sensations we are actually experiencing in the moment – our restless, anxious thoughts are freed up to experience the raw okayness of this moment.
It is in the present moment that we can stop running from the past, chasing the future, or engaging in our anxious thoughts, and experience a true sense of peace and gratitude.
Our awareness rests in what is. As a result, we feel more grounded, vibrant, empowered, and at peace.
When we’re aware of the momentary fleeting sensations in our bodies and minds, we empower ourselves to choose how to respond to triggers, rather than reacting in a way that we later regret.
It is in the present moment that we have the power to change our lives: to notice the emotions we’re experiencing and choose to take time to take deep breaths and choose coping strategies that will nourish, rather than harm us, long-term.
Awareness of what we are feeling and how it is being felt in our physical body, helps us cultivate the capacity to sit with our feelings – even the seemingly “bad” ones – and those of others around us.
Kairos Wellness Collective is cognizant of and sensitive to the fact that we are drawing from the philosophies of a culture that is not our own. We wish to celebrate, honor, and learn from the tradition of Shinrin-Yoku, but from a place of cultural humility.
Little by little, the tolerance for our bigger emotions grows and we find ourselves breathing through them, finding healthy ways to manage our stress, rather than needing to run from our emotions by going numb, unwittingly taking it out on our loved ones, or engaging in addictive or detrimental thoughts and behavior.
In turn, we experience life more fully.
We live deeper, richer lives and have deeper, more meaningful connections with ourselves and our loved ones. We experience greater compassion for ourselves and others and our hearts feel full.
Mindfulness Sessions
Practicing with a trained mindfulness instructor, or in a mindfulness group, can be extremely beneficial - especially for new practitioners - in acquiring the discipline necessary to bring the attention to one’s inner experience.
Mindfulness is simple, but not easy.
Mindfulness can be practiced anytime, anywhere. But calming our minds, especially if you are prone to anxious thoughts, can be challenging.
In a mindfulness class, or a one-on-one session with a mindfulness instructor, you will be gently guided through any resistance that surfaces. You will learn practical and effective techniques of mindfulness that will help you cultivate a greater inner awareness and ultimately bring a sense of joy and peace.
Ready to try mindfulness coaching?
If you would like to schedule an appointment or discuss your needs, you can call or text 720-310-0570, email admin@kairoswellnesscollective.com, or send a message here. Feel free to reach out by text or phone whenever is convenient. We will get back to you shortly to discuss goals, pricing, and schedule.