
electrical waves

Kairos utilizes psychological assessments, EEG brain mapping technology, and the latest neurofeedback therapy to treat a variety of disorders and symptoms, as well as to enhance performance skills. This revolutionized treatment without medication involves state of the art technology and medical science to rewire areas of the brain to improve symptoms. At Kairos, you will undergo a customized care plan that can include assessments and evaluations, psychotherapy, and Neurofeedback, carefully crafted by one of our client care specialists based on your age, health, mental and physical history, current challenges and needs.

qEEG Technology

Electroencephalography (EEG) evaluates your brainwave activity by using sensors to measure deep electrical patterns from the scalp. The EEG tracks, records, and evaluates the electrical activity aka energy in the brain. During the EEG a cap resembling a swimmers head cap with electrodes is placed on your scalp. The electrodes detect electrical charges that result from the activity of your brain cells and brainwave energy in motion. The EEG scan can detect abnormalities in your brain waves, or in the general activity of your brain. This test is essential to creating a brain map (qEEG). Brain maps are non-invasive, require no drugs, and are pain-free.

Brain Mapping

Utilizing our EEG technology we are able to record brain activity that gives a unique look into how your brain functions. We use brain maps to determine the most effective neurofeedback training protocols for treatment based on your brain activity, and to keep track and monitor progress during training sessions. We will conduct brain maps after every 20 training sessions completed. At the end of your training, you will have a one-on-one meeting with your clinician to review improvements by comparing your first brain map with your last brain map, and to track the improvements of the symptoms that were reported at the start of treatment.

In the beginning of mapping your brain, your clinician will have you sit comfortably in a chair while they fit an EEG cap on your head. This cap has an array of electrodes that can interpret electrical impulses or brain waves. The cap is then plugged into an amplifier that amplifies the brain waves that is then used to record brain activity.

When recording a brain map we can have an in-depth look into the current condition of your brain.  Your clinician will call you in to review the results and recommend the best treatment or neurofeedback training protocols for you.  Please read below about what to expect and things to do before you arrive for your first brain map session.


Over the course of 20, 40, 60, or 80 sessions we train your brain to reduce symptoms which will allow it to function at a desired level. Depending on your symptoms and your goals for treatment, we offer 20, 40, 60, or 80 sessions to start.  This is because it takes at least 20 sessions for results to be seen and felt.  In the beginning of every training session, your clinician will apply EEG electrodes to the areas of the head/brain in which we are training, the electrodes will record and track the progress of the training session.  Our neurofeedback training sessions consist of watching a video or listening to music with your eyes closed.  The objective for your brain is to keep the visual image bright, or the audio feed clear, through relaxing and focusing. You will be training with both the eyes open protocols and the eyes closed protocols.

What Neurofeedback can help manage:

  • ADHD

  • Addiction

  • Anxiety

  • Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADD/ADHD)

  • Autism

  • Chronic pain

  • Concussive and Sub-Concussive Injury

  • Dementia

  • Depression

  • Executive Function

  • Impulse Control Issues

  • Insomnia

  • Memory

  • Migraines

  • Mood Disorders

  • Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)

  • Performance Enhancement (Matched to Superior IQ database)

  • Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

  • Seizures

  • Traumatic Brain Injuries (TBI)

person holding lights in their hand

Reminders and What to Expect Before your First Session

  • Complete your full questionnaire and intake documents before your intake session.

  • Your very first session will be your intake session at which your brain will be mapped.

  • For accurate results, please refrain from alcohol use for at least one week prior to your first brain map.

  • If you are currently taking stimulant ADHD medication, please refrain from usage at least 24 hours before your intake session.

  • Ensure you get good sleep the night before, at least 8 hours.

  • Ensure you are fed a healthy meal before your session and are well hydrated.

  • Arrive with no product or lotion on the face nor any hair product on the hair and scalp.

  • Preparation for the brain map, and fitting the head cap, will involve the application of a gel-like substance onto your scalp and hair. This can leave an unpleasant residue after your session. We recommend planning your schedule with this in mind, or bringing a scarf or hat to put over your head afterwards. It is recommended that the substance be washed out of your hair after your session when you get home. This is because the gel hardens over time. This product does not damage your hair or scalp (it is a salt-based gel that washes out easily with soap and water), but it can feel uncomfortable if it dries to your scalp.


Recent Blog Posts


rainbow light over a women's eye
  1. Is Neurofeedback suitable for children?

    Yes, Neurofeedback is safe and recommended for clients ages 5 and up who would benefit from training.

  2. What can I expect during brain mapping?

    Your clinician will sit you comfortably in a chair and discuss the process with you. When you are seated comfortably, a head cap with electrodes and connective wires will be fitted to your head. You will then be asked to relax and focus on an easy area in front of you so that you are not looking around or tensing your head muscles. The more still you are, the quicker your scan will proceed. This is because the scan will pick up on artifact, or muscle movements, and the timer and the scan will pause each time it picks up on movement. This removal of artifact will ensure an accurate mapping of your brain. So the more you move, the longer the scan will take. This is ok! because we allow for up to 90 minutes, ample time, to complete the brain map.

  3. How do I get started ?

    Contact us to speak with an intake manager who will conduct a free consultation and phone screening. During your consultation, our intake manager can schedule your intake session which includes the first brain map. The intake session will take 90 minutes.

    After your intake session, you and your clinician will schedule your second session to have you come in and review the brain map results. This session will take one hour. Age, health, mental and physical history, current challenges and needs will be considered and a care plan will be recommended at this second session.

  4. How long are the training sessions ?

    Once a care plan is recommended and accepted by the client, you can schedule your first training session. Results can vary depending on life circumstances that take place during care. More sessions may be required to achieve desired results. 20, 40, or 60 sessions are recommended, with up to three sessions per week, for the best results. Each session lasts for 45 minutes to an hour. A brain map will be conducted every 20 sessions to measure progress and is included in the session cost.

  5. What is the cost for the brain map and for Neurofeedback training ?

    Intake and Brain Map (90 min.) - $400

    Review of Results (1 hour) - $0.00

    Care Plans
    (all sessions are 1 hr long):

    20 sessions - $4,000
    (Four payments of $1000 starting with first training session) or $3,800 if paid in full.
    40 sessions - $7,800 (five payments of $1,560 starting with first training session) or $7,419 if paid in full.
    60 sessions - $11,400 (six payments of $1,900 starting with first training session) or $10,830 if paid in full.
    80 sessions - $14,800
    (Seven payments of $2,114.30 starting with first training session) or $14,060 if paid in full)

    Receive 5% off when paid in full upon first training session.

Contact Us Today

Do you have questions about Neurofeedback? Contact us using the form below and we’d be happy to help.

Want to learn more about Neurofeedback?

Contact us today to see if Neurofeedback is a suitable treatment option for you or your family member.

Contact Kairos today.