Is Perfectionism OCD or Anxiety?


Perfectionism can be associated with both obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) and anxiety, but it is not synonymous with either condition. Unfortunately, perfectionism can be truly difficult to treat, especially because it has a tendency to be ego-syntonic (ie. the person and their perfectionism are fundamentally in congruence).  

Here's an explanation of how perfectionism can relate to OCD and anxiety:

  1. Perfectionism and OCD: 

    In OCD, individuals experience intrusive and distressing thoughts or obsessions, which lead to the development of compulsive behaviors or rituals aimed at reducing anxiety or preventing a feared outcome. Perfectionism in OCD often manifests as an intense need for things to be perfect, excessive checking, repeating tasks, or seeking reassurance. 

    The individual may engage in repetitive behaviors to ensure that everything is "just right" or to prevent perceived harm or negative consequences. 

    The presence of obsessive thoughts and the compulsive behaviors to alleviate anxiety distinguish perfectionism in OCD from ordinary high standards. A perfectionistic tendency that is OCD will be accompanied by a sense of dread or intense discomfort if something isn’t perfect.  

  2. Perfectionism and Anxiety: 

    Perfectionism can also be related to anxiety disorders, such as generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) or social anxiety disorder. In this case, there are not necessarily intrusive thoughts, or specific and consistent compulsions.  

    Individuals with anxiety disorders may experience excessive worry, fear of judgment or criticism, or a strong desire to meet unrealistic standards. 

    Perfectionism in anxiety can involve constantly striving for flawlessness, avoiding situations that might result in failure or evaluation, and experiencing significant distress when perceived imperfections occur. 

    Perfectionism can contribute to heightened anxiety, as individuals may worry excessively about making mistakes, being judged, or not meeting their own or others' expectations. Unlike OCD perfectionism, anxious perfectionism is not usually characterized by rituals.  

Perfectionism OCD or Anxiety

It's important to note that not all perfectionism is indicative of OCD or an anxiety disorder. Many people have high standards or strive for excellence without it being linked to a clinical condition. However, when perfectionism becomes excessive, rigid, and causes significant distress or interferes with daily functioning, it may be a symptom of OCD or an anxiety disorder.

If you are concerned about your perfectionistic tendencies or experience distress please contact Kairos Wellness Collective today.  In particular, Kat McNiece offers a specialty in Perfectionism and can help you distinguish if your habits meet the criteria for OCD or generalized anxiety 


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