Why choose Ketamine Assisted Psychotherapy (KAP) over IV ketamine clinics?

This choice depends on individual preferences, treatment goals, and your comfort having a psychedelic experience in a more medicalized setting. Ketamine treatment without therapy accompanying it is typically referred to as "ketamine infusion therapy" or "ketamine-assisted treatment." Most IV ketamine clinics are run by anesthesiologists and a medical assistant will simply administer the Ketamine medicine and then leave the patient to journey alone. 

While therapy is often considered an essential component of ketamine treatment in many clinical settings, some individuals may opt for ketamine infusion therapy without concurrent therapy for various reasons.

Here are some factors to consider when making a decision:

Why choose Ketamine Assisted Psychotherapy (KAP) over IV ketamine clinics
  1. Comprehensive therapeutic approach: Ketamine Assisted Psychotherapy combines the use of ketamine with psychotherapy sessions. It integrates the pharmacological effects of ketamine with the therapeutic benefits of psychotherapy, allowing for a holistic treatment approach that addresses both psychological and emotional aspects. The therapy sessions can help explore underlying issues, develop coping strategies, and support long-term changes

  2. Individualized treatment: Ketamine Assisted Psychotherapy is tailored to the specific needs of each individual. The therapy sessions provide a safe and supportive environment where the therapist can customize the treatment approach to address personal challenges, goals, and concerns.  A good therapist will help their client set an intention for a session before beginning the journey.  Ketamine Assisted Psychotherapy not only aims to alleviate symptoms but also focuses on personal growth, self-exploration, and long-term transformation. The therapy sessions can help individuals develop new perspectives, enhance self-awareness, and cultivate skills for managing challenges beyond the ketamine experience.

  3. Continuity of care: Ketamine Assisted Psychotherapy typically involves ongoing therapy sessions, allowing for continuity of care and a therapeutic relationship with the therapist. This can be beneficial for individuals who prefer a consistent treatment approach and a trusted professional guiding their progress.

  4. Integration and support: KAP sessions include time for integration and processing after the ketamine experience. This allows individuals to reflect on their ketamine experiences, make meaning out of them, and apply insights gained during the therapy sessions to their everyday lives. The therapist can provide support and guidance throughout this integration process.

It's important to note that the decision between Ketamine Assisted Psychotherapy and IV ketamine clinics should be made in consultation with a qualified healthcare professional experienced in administering ketamine and providing therapy for the specific condition you are seeking treatment for.

If you already have a therapeutic provider that is helping you significantly and don’t want to change, ketamine infusion therapy can be utilized as a standalone treatment to manage symptoms of certain conditions such as depression, anxiety, or chronic pain. 

It's important to note that while ketamine infusion therapy can provide symptom relief, it may not address underlying issues, psychological challenges, or provide long-term solutions without the integration of therapy or other supportive interventions.

If you would like to explore how Ketamine-Assisted Psychotherapy (KAP) can benefit you or your loved one, please contact Kairos Wellness Collective today.  


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