
Ketamine-Assisted Psychotherapy Natalia Truszkowska Ketamine-Assisted Psychotherapy Natalia Truszkowska

Why choose Ketamine Assisted Psychotherapy (KAP) over IV ketamine clinics?

Ketamine treatment without therapy accompanying it is typically referred to as “ketamine infusion therapy” or “ketamine-assisted treatment.” It is important to note that while ketamine infusion therapy can provide symptom relief, it may not address underlying issues, psychological challenges, or provide long-term solutions without the integration of therapy or other supportive interventions.

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Ketamine-Assisted Psychotherapy Natalia Truszkowska Ketamine-Assisted Psychotherapy Natalia Truszkowska

Mental Health Utilizations of Psychoactive Medicines: A Short History

Mushroom psychedelics have a long and varied history of use by humans. Evidence of mushroom consumption dates back over 10,000 years, with some accounts indicating that the ancient Egyptians even used them in their rituals and beliefs systems. Some evidence suggests that mushroom use was also prevalent among many other cultures throughout Europe, Asia, and Africa.

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Ketamine-Assisted Psychotherapy Natalia Truszkowska Ketamine-Assisted Psychotherapy Natalia Truszkowska

Emerging Research on MDMA-assisted Therapy for Mental Health

Recent studies have suggested that MDMA (methylenedioxymethamphetamine) may be an effective treatment for mental health issues, such as post-traumatic stress disorder and anxiety. The drug has been shown to reduce fear responses in patients with these conditions, allowing them to revisit difficult memories more easily and to process them in a more productive way. In addition, MDMA also appears to increase the levels of neurotransmitters associated with feelings of pleasure and well-being, providing additional relief from distressing symptoms.

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Anxiety, Ketamine-Assisted Psychotherapy Matthew Williams Anxiety, Ketamine-Assisted Psychotherapy Matthew Williams

Ketamine Therapy and Anxiety Reduction: A Personal Journey

After six sessions of Ketamine, my process is, for now, complete. I see myself being less emotional, less reactive, and less compulsive in every realm of my life. I find that obsessions don’t circulate for more than a beat, and intrusive thoughts are far less common. The reduction in anxiety is palpable. If anxiety and OCD have robbed me of anything in my lifetime, it is this present-moment peace. Previously my brain would cycle back to anxiety like fuel. I feel like Ketamine has reset my brain to allow contentment to be the default.

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Ketamine-Assisted Psychotherapy Natalia Truszkowska Ketamine-Assisted Psychotherapy Natalia Truszkowska

The silenced inner critic: A Therapist's first-person account of a Ketamine Journey

This last journey also showed me that I continue to experience resistance to succumbing to the effects of the medicine – even at a higher dosage. I recognize that this is related to my OCD. I fear letting go, ceding control, and opening myself up to new sensations. Every time I do a Ketamine Assisted Psychotherapy session I get slightly more habituated to this experience – however, for me, as with many with OCD, overcoming a fear can be a slow road. Overall, regardless of any particular Ketamine experience, after four sessions, my overall wellbeing is notably improved. Most interestingly, my inner critic has been completely silenced. It is a strange experience to make mistakes and not hear my OCD voice chime in afterwards. I feel oddly removed from my faults and omissions – observant but emotionally unaffected.

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Ketamine-Assisted Psychotherapy Natalia Truszkowska Ketamine-Assisted Psychotherapy Natalia Truszkowska

Equanimous: What it means and how Ketamine can help us get there

Equanimous is most narrowly defined as being calm, collected, and able to integrate life’s ups and downs in an emotionally stable way. For those of us with ADHD, Anxiety, and OCD, our reactivity to triggers can lead to distress for ourselves and others. While we may desire to be equanimous as much as the next person, our natural state of interactivity with the world is simply the opposite. A ketamine experience, especially at a lower dose than may be administered for a psychedelic journey, can lead to a lasting steadiness of the mind. The ketamine experience and the following calm can reinforce the recipient’s equanimity.

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Ketamine-Assisted Psychotherapy, Anxiety Natalia Truszkowska Ketamine-Assisted Psychotherapy, Anxiety Natalia Truszkowska

When a Ketamine Experience feels meaningless

For those with anxiety, our prefrontal cortex can be a hamster wheel of thoughts, worries, hopes, goals, fears, and feelings. Even in a dreaming state, we are processing thoughts, emotions, and memories. With ketamine, such an overloaded brain can get the opportunity for a break. After this type of Ketamine trip, clients report that they feel more at ease, and like everything matters just a bit less. Emotions are less raw, and the heart is open.

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OCD, Ketamine-Assisted Psychotherapy, About Natalia Natalia Truszkowska OCD, Ketamine-Assisted Psychotherapy, About Natalia Natalia Truszkowska

My own Ketamine journey, Part 2: Integration

As important, or potentially more important, than the Ketamine experience itself is the post-session integration.  While therapeutic Ketamine treatments build in a talk therapy session immediately after the effects wear off, moments of integration can happen for a significant time period after treatment.  You are especially receptive and heart-open in the 48 hours following a session.  

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