Adolescents and Mental Health: How to Recognize Signs of Video Game Addiction

The digital world has become a part of everyday life for many young people, and technology has become an integral part of the way they interact with the world. As technology use continues to grow, so too does concern about how it may be affecting the brains and mental health of this age group.

Research suggests that overuse of technology can lead to increased levels of anxiety, depression, attention disorders and impaired social skills in young people.

Prolonged exposure to screens has been linked to higher rates of stress and poorer sleep quality, both of which are known to have adverse effects on mental health. Furthermore, a lack of physical activity and face-to-face interaction associated with excessive screen time can also disrupt healthy development and even lead to social isolation.

It is important to recognize the potential risks of overusing technology and to find ways to mitigate them. It is recommended that young people maintain a healthy balance between online and offline activities, take regular breaks from screens, engage in physical activity, and maintain meaningful relationships with peers and family members. Taking these steps can help safeguard their mental health now and into the future. 

A particular concern of many parents who come to our center is that their adolescents are experiencing a video game addiction. 

Adolescents and Mental Health: How to Recognize Signs of Video Game Addiction

Video game addiction has become a growing concern in recent years. It affects individuals of all ages and genders, but is especially prevalent among adolescents and young adults. Individuals addicted to video games often find that their lives revolve around playing them, with the activity taking up an excessive amount of time and energy. People who are addicted may forgo social events or activities, neglect responsibilities such as school or work, lose interest in previously enjoyed hobbies, and have difficulties managing emotions.

The symptoms of video game addiction can vary depending on the individual's level of engagement with gaming activities. Some signs to look out for include spending large amounts of time playing games; preoccupation with thoughts of the game when not playing; feeling irritable when trying to cut down or stop; withdrawing from other activities and interests to spend more time gaming; growing tolerance, needing to spend more time playing to feel satisfied; and feelings of guilt or anxiety when not playing.

If you suspect that your child or friend may be experiencing video game addiction, it is important that they get help.

Treatment for video game addiction typically involves developing healthier behaviors and habits in place of excessive gaming. This can include cognitive-behavioral therapy, family counseling, support groups, lifestyle changes such as setting limits on gaming time and diversifying recreational activities, and even medication management if needed. With the right intervention strategies in place, people with video game addiction can often overcome it and lead healthy lives

It is also beneficial for family and friends to provide support, understanding, and encouragement. Remember that video game addiction is a real disorder that requires treatment and should not be taken lightly. The right help can make a positive difference in someone's life.

Ultimately, it is essential that young people are aware of the potential impact of technology and how to use it responsibly. Taking steps towards mindful and responsible technology use can help ensure that young people stay safe and healthy in today’s digital world.

To learn more about our services, please contact Kairos Wellness Collective today.


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