
Anxiety Kairos Wellness Collective Anxiety Kairos Wellness Collective

Why soothing anxiety can actually worsen anxiety

Soothing anxiety can sometimes reinforce it, not because the act of soothing itself is inherently problematic, but because of the way individuals may go about soothing their anxiety and the unintended consequences that can result. Here's how this can happen:

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Anxiety Natalia Truszkowska Anxiety Natalia Truszkowska

Is it really true that today's children experience more anxiety?

The question of whether today's kids have more anxiety than previous generations is a complex and debated topic. There is evidence to suggest that anxiety rates among children and adolescents have increased in recent years, but it's important to consider multiple factors before making broad generalizations. Here are some key points to consider.

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Anxiety Natalia Truszkowska Anxiety Natalia Truszkowska

How do Hormonal Changes affect Anxiety?

Hormonal changes can have a significant impact on anxiety disorders due to the complex interplay between hormones and the brain's neurotransmitter systems. Fluctuations in hormone levels can influence mood, emotions, and the body's stress response. Here's how hormonal changes can affect anxiety disorders.

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Anxiety Natalia Truszkowska Anxiety Natalia Truszkowska

Generalized Anxiety Disorder from Fertility Trauma

Fertility trauma, often referred to as reproductive trauma, encompasses the emotional and psychological distress that individuals or couples may experience due to difficulties or challenges related to fertility, conception, pregnancy loss, or unsuccessful assisted reproductive treatments. This trauma can deeply impact a person's emotional well-being and may contribute to lifelong anxiety and other mental health issues.

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Anxiety, OCD Natalia Truszkowska Anxiety, OCD Natalia Truszkowska

Useful Apps to Support Anxiety and OCD Treatment

There are numerous apps available that aim to support anxiety treatment by providing tools, resources, and techniques to help individuals manage their anxiety symptoms. Here are some popular apps that have received positive reviews for their effectiveness in anxiety treatment:

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Anxiety Natalia Truszkowska Anxiety Natalia Truszkowska

How to choose your best-fit anxiety therapist

It's important to note that the therapeutic relationship and the skills and expertise of the therapist are vital factors in the effectiveness of treatment. Finding a therapist who specializes in anxiety disorders, has experience with evidence-based treatments, and with whom you feel comfortable and supported can greatly contribute to positive therapeutic outcomes.

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Anxiety Natalia Truszkowska Anxiety Natalia Truszkowska

What is the difference between a coach or a therapist for anxiety treatment?

It's important to note that the line between coaching and therapy can sometimes be blurred, and there can be overlap in the approaches and techniques used. Some professionals may even offer a combination of coaching and therapy approaches depending on the needs of the individual. Ultimately, the choice between coaching and therapy for anxiety should be based on the severity of symptoms, specific goals, and personal preferences. Consulting with a qualified professional can help determine the most suitable approach for individual circumstances.

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Anxiety, DBT Natalia Truszkowska Anxiety, DBT Natalia Truszkowska

Why Choose Dialetical Behavior Therapy (DBT) for Anxiety Disorders

Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) is an evidence-based treatment that has been proven effective for various mental health conditions, including anxiety disorders. Here are some studies that have provided evidence for the use of DBT in treating anxiety. Overall, these studies provide evidence that DBT is an effective treatment for anxiety disorders, including generalized anxiety disorder, social anxiety disorder, and panic disorder.

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Anxiety Natalia Truszkowska Anxiety Natalia Truszkowska

Stages of Therapeutic Change during Anxiety Treatment

The stages of therapeutic change are a framework for understanding the process of personal growth and change that occurs during therapy. With Anxiety Treatment, it is incredibly important that the client and therapist align as to which stage the client finds themselves in. A therapist may push a client away from entrenched patterns, but cannot force changes. Very importantly, a client must realize that what they have been doing thus far has not been serving them.

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Anxiety Natalia Truszkowska Anxiety Natalia Truszkowska

Why Choose a Therapist who is trained in Acceptance Commitment Therapy (ACT)?

Acceptance Commitment Therapy (ACT) is an evidence-based form of therapy that focuses on helping people become more mindful and emotionally aware, while also learning to accept their thoughts and feelings without judgment or criticism. This type of therapy has been found to be effective in treating a wide range of issues, including anxiety disorders.

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Adolescents, Anxiety Natalia Truszkowska Adolescents, Anxiety Natalia Truszkowska

Adolescents and Mental Health: How to Recognize Signs of Video Game Addiction

The digital world has become a part of everyday life for many young people, and technology has become an integral part of the way they interact with the world. As technology use continues to grow, so too does concern about how it may be affecting the brains and mental health of this age group. Ultimately, it is essential that young people are aware of the potential impact of technology and how to use it responsibly. Taking steps towards mindful and responsible technology use can help ensure that young people stay safe and healthy in today’s digital world.

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Adolescents, Lauren Ciovacco, Anxiety Natalia Truszkowska Adolescents, Lauren Ciovacco, Anxiety Natalia Truszkowska

How to Choose a Therapist for your Adolescent

For an adolescent, a sense of agency is very important.  However, very few can initiate to select their own practitioner, and thus, we are left with setting up first appointments with clinicians that we can only guess will be a good fit.  Here are my top suggestions for matching your teen with the right clinician:

Make sure the therapist has significant experience working with adolescents

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Anxiety Natalia Truszkowska Anxiety Natalia Truszkowska

Anxiety and the body: the Systemic Effect of Chronic Worry

Anxiety is a complex mental and physiological phenomenon that can have lasting effects on the human brain. Anxiety can affect the way we think, feel, and behave by impacting both short-term and long-term memory, cognitive processing speed, decision making abilities, and emotional regulation.

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Neurofeedback, Anxiety Natalia Truszkowska Neurofeedback, Anxiety Natalia Truszkowska

What is Neurofeedback therapy?

Neurofeedback is a form of biofeedback that helps to re-train the brain and build new neural pathways. Neurofeedback, also known as brainwave biofeedback, is a technology that was invented in the 1960s. While Neurofeedback has been around for decades, recent advances in technology have made it much more accessible and effective than ever before. It is becoming increasingly popular as an alternative therapy for people looking for improved brain health and cognitive functioning.

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Anxiety Natalia Truszkowska Anxiety Natalia Truszkowska

What is EFT Tapping and how do we use with OCD Treatment

EFT works to balance the body's subtle energy system by tapping on specific meridian points while tuning into particular emotional issues.

EFT can also be used as a preventive measure in order to reduce the risk of developing anxiety disorders in the aftermath of traumatic events.  Regular practice will help to create a more balanced and peaceful lifestyle, allowing you to live life with an increased sense of calmness and peace.

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Happiness, Brain Chemistry, Anxiety Natalia Truszkowska Happiness, Brain Chemistry, Anxiety Natalia Truszkowska

The Biochemical Foundations of Happiness and Anxiety: Dopamine, Serotonin, Endorphins, and Oxytocin

Brain neurology is an exciting field of study that holds many mysteries, such as the cause of human happiness or emotional well-being. In recent years, science has discovered and studied primary brain chemicals related to happiness—dopamine, serotonin, endorphins, and oxytocin.   Let’s take a look at what these brain chemicals are and how they can affect anxiety.  

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