Anxiety Therapists Serving the Front Range
Kairos Wellness Collective is a private group outpatient practice committed to delivering quality holistic mental health care for clients of all ages. Our therapeutic modalities include Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Exposure Response Prevention (ERP), Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT), Neurofeedback, Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR), Play Therapy, Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), Art Therapy, Couples Therapy and Family Therapy. While utilizing diverse approaches, all approaches featured at the center are evidence-based treatments.
We provide a robust offering of parent, family, and group workshops, such as OCD Dungeons and Dragons for children and adolescents, and Parent-Based Treatment for Childhood Anxiety, based on the SPACE program created by Dr. Eli Lebowitz.
Our licensed therapists and client care specialists take baseline assessments upon intake into the Collective, and every two months, our specialists will continue to assess measurable progress in treatment.
Let’s Talk OCD Podcast
Latest Edition of the Kairos Newsletter
Videos on OCD and Anxiety
Featured Articles
Deconstructing Stigma: Changing Attitudes About Mental Health
“OCD in Children with ADHD: Navigating the Dual Diagnosis” [Video Replay & Podcast #526]
“Mindful Healing: Psychedelic Therapy and Herbal Remedies for OCD with Natalia Aiza and Matthew Williams”.
“From OCD Parenting to OCD Practitioner: My Recovery From Orthorexia by Proxy”
“Conversations about what our parents did that affected us positive (or negatively) so that we can learn from the billions of experiences in each generation.”
“Guest opinion: Natalia Aiza: Back-to-school can be turbulent, but we can face this time of year with poise’
“Inspiring Conversations with Natalia Aíza of Kairos Wellness Collective”
“A Therapist’s OCD Journey”
“Guest opinion: Natalia Aiza: Three tragedies in three years have shaped youth OCD, anxiety in Boulder”
Contact Kairos Today
If you would like to schedule an appointment or discuss your needs, you can call or text 720-310-0570, email help@kairoswellnesscollective.com, or send a message here. Feel free to reach out by text or phone whenever is convenient. We will get back to you shortly to discuss goals, pricing, and schedule.
Super sour candies – and anything of the like- are SO sour that they distract your brain and can actually avert a panic attack!
Dr. Yap, an expert in the OCD world explains:
“By engaging your senses with a sour taste, [super sour candies] may help to distract your mind from anxious thoughts and reduce the intensity of your symptoms.”
No joke!!