
Parenting Natalia Truszkowska Parenting Natalia Truszkowska

Parenting Therapy: Limiting Teen Tech Time with Compassion

At Kairos Wellness Collective, we also coach parents in compassionate boundaries with their teens.  One question that comes up commonly is how and if to limit teen tech time with compassion requires understanding and empathy towards the challenges they may face in this digital age. Here are some steps you can take to achieve this.

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Parenting Kairos Wellness Collective Parenting Kairos Wellness Collective

5 Ways Parents Accidentally Reinforce their Child’s OCD

Parents of children with OCD may find themselves consistently avoiding triggering their child.  While this may temporarily lead to a more peaceful home environment, long term sensitivity to the trigger will be reinforced and perhaps even increased by this parenting strategy.  Children sense that parents are being careful not to spark their reactivity and some may feel emboldened by this power dynamic. 

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