Parenting Therapy: Limiting Teen Tech Time with Compassion
At Kairos Wellness Collective, we also coach parents in compassionate boundaries with their teens. One question that comes up commonly is how and if to limit teen tech time with compassion requires understanding and empathy towards the challenges they may face in this digital age. Here are some steps you can take to achieve this.
What Brene Brown's Research Teaches us about Parenting Shame
Brown's research also provides insights into how shame can impact parenting dynamics and the importance of cultivating empathy, vulnerability, and shame resilience in parenting.
DO’s and DON'Ts during a Big Kid Tantrum
Unfortunately, for some children, especially those with ASD and ADHD, “tantrums” can continue well past the point that society considers them to be acceptable.
Why do children need to talk about forgotten trauma
Trauma at any age may cause fear, avoidance, and secondary symptoms from an overstimulated nervous system. But what if a child was so young that they seem to have forgotten the traumatic events?
5 Ways Parents Accidentally Reinforce their Child’s OCD
Parents of children with OCD may find themselves consistently avoiding triggering their child. While this may temporarily lead to a more peaceful home environment, long term sensitivity to the trigger will be reinforced and perhaps even increased by this parenting strategy. Children sense that parents are being careful not to spark their reactivity and some may feel emboldened by this power dynamic.
Parenting during COVID-19: How to help your children cope with loneliness
Many parents jump into solution mode if they notice a child is lonely.
Parenting during COVID-19: Parental Burnout and How to Cope
Usually around this time of year, after two major holidays and in the middle of a long school break, parents might notice that they are totally burnt out.
Parenting during COVID-19: Intolerance of Uncertainty
If anxiety is a fire, then uncertainty is its oxygen.
4 ways to use CBT to make parenting a virtual student more bearable
At 8:30 am every weekday, my still pajama-clad family disperses to our semi-private corners of our home.