What is Ego-Syntonic and Ego-Dystonic OCD?


Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) has many complex presentations.  While not types of OCD, the categories of ego-syntonic and ego-dystonic are incredibly valuable designations to make during OCD treatment.  

Ego-Syntonic and Ego-Dystonic OCD

Ego-syntonic presentations of OCD are tendencies that are compatible with one’s true outlook and values.  Someone with perfectionism OCD may truly value meticulousness, precision, and excellence.  In this case, the output of the OCD tendencies are actually compatible with the person’s core self.  

With ego-syntonic OCD, treatment is deterred by a sense of rightness of the behavior.  Clients may feel themselves less engaged with OCD therapy because they are less convinced that their OCD is a problem.  

Whereas with ego-dystonic OCD, the obsessions and compulsions of the individual actually run contrary to the person’s true character.  For example, someone with harm OCD may be obsessed with the fear that they will stab their spouse.  An individual with harm OCD is incredibly unlikely to hurt someone else, but nonetheless, their mind is constantly creating images of stabbing and ruminating on this possibility. 

In this case of ego-dystonic OCD, the obsessions and compulsions are dissonant with the person’s core sense of self.  Treatment is not often met with resistance, as both client and therapist agree that the OCD is destructive and unhelpful.  

However, whether ego-syntonic or ego-dystonic, OCD causes significant mental health hardship over the lifetime.  Symptoms usually snowball over time and cause significant stress for loved ones. 

Contact Kairos Wellness Collective today to learn more about OCD treatment.  


What if I don't do any compulsions?


Perfectionism OCD