
CBT Natalia Truszkowska CBT Natalia Truszkowska

How do OCD and Insomnia Intersect?

OCD and insomnia can intersect in several ways, often exacerbating each other and creating a challenging cycle for individuals experiencing both conditions. The relationship between OCD and insomnia can vary depending on the individual and the specific nature of their symptoms, but here are some common intersections.

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OCD, CBT Natalia Truszkowska OCD, CBT Natalia Truszkowska

How do hoarding and OCD relate?

Hoarding disorder and obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) are closely related conditions but are considered distinct diagnoses in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5). However, there is a significant overlap between hoarding disorder and OCD, and hoarding is recognized as a specific subtype or symptom dimension of OCD.

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CBT Natalia Truszkowska CBT Natalia Truszkowska

How is I-CBT Different from ERP treatment for OCD?

Exposure Response Prevention therapy, ERP for short, is the first and foremost treatment option for OCD. However, some people find that ERP is not effective, or more commonly, not well tolerated. That's where Intensive Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (I-CBT) comes in.

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CBT Natalia Truszkowska CBT Natalia Truszkowska

What is I-CBT?

People with OCD tend to tell themselves fictional, or near-fictional, stories about what would happen if. We call these the obsessional stories. In I-CBT (Inference-based CBT), the therapist helps the client ask the question: how did I come to accept this obsessional story? Furthermore, why is it that the obsessions or doubts feel so real? We get attached to the stories that we tell ourselves and these fictions begin to define us.

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CBT Natalia Truszkowska CBT Natalia Truszkowska

Anxiety Treatment if you are a Highly Sensitive Person (HSP)

Highly Sensitive People (HSPs) are those among us who have a more sensitive nervous system than the average person. This can lead to increased levels of anxiety, and HSPs often find it difficult to cope in highly stimulating situations or environments. Thankfully, with the right treatment, individuals can learn how to manage their anxiety and gain a better understanding of their sensitivity.

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CBT Natalia Truszkowska CBT Natalia Truszkowska

Beyond Play Therapy: Alternative Styles of Child Therapy for Anxiety Treatment

While play therapy may be the most standard intervention for child mental health therapy, at Kairos Wellness Collective, therapists look beyond the mainstream techniques and utilize varied evidence-based approaches to support. Every child that enters our office has a significantly different emotional profile and it is often helpful to additionally draw on CBT, Sand Tray, Art Therapy, and Digital Art therapy to support their mental health growth.

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CBT Natalia Truszkowska CBT Natalia Truszkowska

How Anxiety Therapists use CBT to help you navigate out of your anxiety traps

Anxiety traps are our common thinking patterns that lead to us following the same unhealthy patterns again and again. At our Anxiety Therapy clinic in Boulder, CO, we help our clients break these habits. An excellent anxiety therapist will utilize CBT therapy to help you catch your spirals and move away from your common thinking traps.

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OCD, child therapy, CBT Natalia Truszkowska OCD, child therapy, CBT Natalia Truszkowska

How to Make Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Child-Friendly

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is known to be a highly intellectual and conversation-based form of therapy that includes homework. How is it that therapists can apply these principles to working with children, even young children?

While children may not be able to readily name the 12 major negative distortions, such as personalization, catastrophization, and discounting the positive, they are usually able to notice a negative interpretation. Children are natural debaters and questioners. When enlisted as detectives rooting out the truth in their thoughts, young minds can be very inquisitive.  

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CBT Natalia Truszkowska CBT Natalia Truszkowska

How to Set Mental Health Goals

Whenever we embark on any process of change, it is useful to ask the question: when will we know we have reached our destination? Setting mental health goals, and specific markers to help us check in along the way, is especially useful when attempting to change a behavior.

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CBT Natalia Truszkowska CBT Natalia Truszkowska

Why choose CBT for Anxiety?

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is widely known but rarely applied among mental health practitioners. While evidence shows it is highly effective, it feels less pleasant than other, more soothing forms of therapy. It can be hard work to engage in true CBT treatment. So why would you choose it?

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OCD, CBT Natalia Truszkowska OCD, CBT Natalia Truszkowska

CBT for OCD Intrusive Thoughts

For those who cannot simply allow those intrusive thoughts to float by, the next best tool is Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT). Studies have shown that for OCD individuals, the pain of intrusive thoughts stems from two major distortions in thinking: 1) Overestimation of Threat 2) Overblown Sense of Responsibility.

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CBT Kairos Wellness Collective CBT Kairos Wellness Collective

Three steps to declutter your mind when you have OCD

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is like having a faulty fire alarm in our brains that can quickly escalate banal issues into emergencies. When you have OCD, we can get a false sense that we “need” to do something in that moment or else something bad will happen.

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CBT Kairos Wellness Collective CBT Kairos Wellness Collective

Let’s not demonize anxiety, let’s recalibrate it!

CBT (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy) is a process of anxiety recalibration. Our goal is not to eliminate all anxious thoughts – that would be dangerous! Humans need some way of perceiving and quickly responding to actual dangers, and true crises. However, we cannot live a healthy life in a constant state of alarm.

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CBT Kairos Wellness Collective CBT Kairos Wellness Collective

How to Recognize 5 Common Thinking Distortions

CBT (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy) always starts with identifying a client’s most common cognitive distortions. Clients must ask themselves: how exactly does my brain warp reality and undermine my happiness?

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