
OCD, Ketamine-Assisted Psychotherapy, About Natalia Natalia Truszkowska OCD, Ketamine-Assisted Psychotherapy, About Natalia Natalia Truszkowska

My own Ketamine journey, Part 2: Integration

As important, or potentially more important, than the Ketamine experience itself is the post-session integration.  While therapeutic Ketamine treatments build in a talk therapy session immediately after the effects wear off, moments of integration can happen for a significant time period after treatment.  You are especially receptive and heart-open in the 48 hours following a session.  

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About Natalia Kairos Wellness Collective About Natalia Kairos Wellness Collective

Run, Walk, Hike: Why I always “prescribe” the outdoors

In addition to Kairos Wellness Collective, I work at a fantastic medical clinic for the uninsured in Westminster.  Simultaneously to receiving their first prescription for mild anxiety or depression, patients are referred to me.  Both doctors and patients alike express a resistance to utilizing a medication while there is any other natural option available.  

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